
Anaconda is the world’s most popular Python/R data science and machine learning platform. It contains more than 7,500+ Python/R data science packages, it has become industry standard platform for developing, testing Python/R applications and for Deep Learning.


All Anaconda versions are available as environment modules. We provide only Anaconda with Python 3 support since Python 2 reached its End of Life and the latest Machine Learning tools have minimal or no support for Python 2.

We recommend using the Anaconda we provide as environment module, over custom installations in your home directory, cause it offers more control on your local environment.

Many users that have built anaconda manually at their home directories, have reported major issues affecting their EECS Desktop Environment




Loading the module

To use the default (latest) version of Anaconda:

$ module load anaconda3

Check the versions

$ conda --version
conda 4.7.12

$ python -V
Python 3.7.4

Create a new environment

Create a new Conda environment with a custom name after the -n option:

$ conda create --quiet --yes -n mycondaenv

List conda environments

$ conda env list
# conda environments:
mycondaenv /homes/$USER/.conda/envs/mycondaenv
base * /import/linux/anaconda/3/2019.10

Your new environments is listed and also note the * at the ‘base’ environment, it indicated the current active environment.

Activate the environment

To activate your conda environment and start installing packages:

$ source activate mycondaenv
(mycondaenv) $

Install packages

To install a package with its dependencies in your conda environment:

(mycondaenv) $ conda install <package_name>

List installed packages

To list the available  packages in your current activated conda environment:

(mycondaenv) $ conda list

Deactivate the environment

To stop using the conda environment and exit to your regular shell:

(mycondaenv) $ source deactivate

