As a member of EECS, you have an EECS Account, which is different to your QMUL Account. More info, read here.
To set your EECS password, either raise a Helpdesk Ticket or visit CS327 (EECS Systems) and ask to set your EECS Account.
You can connect to Eduroam using the same username and password as your QMUL Email account. More info, read here.
You can connect to EECS network printers, following this guide: Staff Printing
SSH keys
SSH keys are necessary if you want to connect to EECS servers. To setup your SSH keys, follow this guide: SSH Keys
Compute Servers
You can find a list of the available compute servers in EECS, here.
Support pages
We provide Support Pages with information and tutorials about the IT Infrastructure in EECS. The page is at