Cluster: CST Studio

CSTStudio uses Intel MPI and reuires a specific parallel environment. It supports batch submission modes.
On antenna cluster, before you can use CSTStudio you need to load an appropriate environment module:

[user@node]$ module load cststudio

Batch Submission

Batch submision is divided into two types: shared memory and distributed. The former can only run in smp environment, the latter can be distributed across multiple nodes. Below are two sample submissions scripts.
Please note that relevant parallel environments have to be used – smp and cststudio respectively.
Sample shared memory submission script:

# Your job name
#$ -N cststudio_smp
# Use current working directory
#$ -cwd
# Join stdout and stderr
#$ -j y
# Forward the environment
#$ -V
#$ -pe smp 16
#Remove the comment on the line below to enable logging to the log file
# Start the simulation
export MODELFILE=/full/path/to/my/modelfile.cst
cst_design_environment -numthreads=$NSLOTS -m -r “$MODELFILE”
exit 0

Sample distributed submission script:

# Your job name
#$ -N cststudio_withmpi
# Use current working directory
#$ -cwd
# Join stdout and stderr
#$ -j y
# Forward the environment
#$ -V
#Parallel environment
#$ -pe cststudio 30
#Remove the comment on the line below to enable logging to the log file
# Start the simulation
export MODELFILE=/full/path/to/my/modelfile.cst
cst_design_environment -numthreads=1 -withmpi -queuesys “SGE” -machinefile “$PE_HOSTFILE” -m -r “$MODELFILE”
exit 0

cst_design_environment cmd line options

You must specify at least one of -r or -m, and one or more of the remaining switches:
Option Behaviour
-r Starts the transient solver (T-Solver)
-f Starts the frequency domain solver (F-Solver)
-q Starts the integral equation solver (I-Solver)
-a Starts the asymptotic solver (A-Solver)
-pic Starts the particle in cell solver (PIC-Solver)
-tp Starts the particle tracking solver (Trk-Solver)
-tw Starts the wakefield solver (WAK-Solver)
-p Starts a parameter sweep. This option always uses the solver that was used last for the saved project
-o Starts the optimizer. This option always uses the solver that was used last for the saved project

Note: if -withmpi switch is used, only -r, -f, -q and -tw are valid