
The School uses a lot of open source software and some proprietory software. All of it comes with licensing restrictions, ranging from highly restrictive (e.g. Matlab, MS Office) through the GPL to the very open (e.g. various BSD licensed programs).

The School has MS Office in its teaching laboratories, but we also install Libre Office, which is free to download and cross-platform.

The College also licenses proprietory software which we are able to use, e.g. Endnote.

As much as possible, we purchase “concurrent licences” – these allow a specified number of people to use the software simultaneously, but are much cheaper than a site license (everyone in EECS could use it) and more convenient than individual licenses (particular named people can use it).


You will find bellow more information for a number of the software available in  EECS Desktops and/or Servers:


Oxygen XML Editor

